
Newsletter: 6th Sunday of Easter (B)

Important information regarding practicalities during the building works (May 10th – Sept 3rd)   

We are very pleased that the building work to refurbish the hall, lavatories and basement will begin next week. 

Access to lavatories 
There will be no access to the lavatories in the church building.  Facilities will be provided on the ground floor of the presbytery.  Please alert the stewards if you need to use the lavatories and they will unlock the presbytery for you.  We ask that parents accompany their children due to safety issues around crossing the car park. 

Sunday 10:30am Mass – overflow seating 
There will be no overflow seating available in the hall so numbers at the 10:30 am Mass will be more restricted.  Please could everyone wanting to attend the 10:30am Mass book their place in advance (by Saturday evening).  If you arrive without having reserved a place, we may need to turn you away. 

Alternatively, please consider coming to one of the other Masses which are less busy and there is no need to book. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

The 10.30 am Sunday Mass can be accessed here..

Click the links below to download the Page, Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.

Caroline Estorninho