
Dear Parishioners

I am very pleased to say that the building work is now virtually complete. A few minor elements need completion, but the hall, lavatories and basement are now open for business. They are looking magnificent and I hope and pray they will remain that way for some time.

Thank you for your patience during building work which lasted a few weeks longer than originally intended. Completing the building work is coinciding with the gradual return of parishioners back to St Margaret’s after COVID lockdowns. From the lows of 80 at the beginning of the year, confidence is returning and now the numbers are around 300 parishioners each Sunday.

This weekend is our Parish Revive weekend so please come into the Hall to have a look at the new kitchen and cafe/bar as well as the boards indicating all the activities taking place here at St Margaret’s. I hope there might be something there that interests you and in which you might consider participating.

With good wishes
Fr Peter

Caroline Estorninho