
Newsletter: Help required!

Dear Parishioners,

Over the last few years St Margarets has been hosting the Vineyard Lunches on an occasional basis, probably once every six or eight weeks. It has become a major element of the parish's pastoral outreach, being as Pope Francis would describe, a village square and field hospital. The lunch serves those on the margins, and begins around 11.30 (some helpers lay up before the 10.30am Mass, lunch is from 12.00pm and our guests have gone and the hall cleaned by 2.00pm. 

Now has come the time to invite further parishioners to engage with this mission. There are a steady band of helpers but the band needs to expand. Also, the next lunch is this coming Sunday, 17th September. We urgently need help for this lunch.

If you would like to cook, to host, to serve or washup please sign up through the portal below. The guests like coming to St Margarets as some join in for coffee after Mass and are made to feel part of the community.


Thank you for your support and generosity
Fr Peter

Caroline Estorninho