
Message from Father Peter

Suspension of the public saying of Mass

As the Cardinal says in his letter to the Diocese, the need to suspend the public celebration of Mass was taken with a very heavy heart. This was not a decision taken without prayer or thought. The Church as a visible society, led by her shepherds, have the ability to dispense the laity in their need to participate in Mass in the case of severe illness. This is a national illness so the same rules would apply. The clergy of the Diocese who participate in the Bishops’ mission to preach the Gospel and minister the Sacraments are obliged to fulfill the Bishop’s request.

This will be very hard decision to accept but may I ask for your understanding. St Margaret’s Church will remain open on Saturday morning 10:30am for Confessions and throughout Sunday for private prayer.

I will say a private Sunday Mass that will be relayed on Youtube and will be available for anybody who wishes to participate. There are many other Churches producing a streamed service. Please see the attached document for other options.

Please see a video from the Cardianl explaining the situation:https://vimeo.com/398532027

Maintaining a prayer life in this period

Every Catholic is invited to develop their prayer life, and a number of resources are specifically available. Please see two potential sources below:

The structured daily prayer offered by Magnificat (graciously offered free at this time: https://us.magnificat.net/free  

or by Universalis might be particularly useful for parishioners if we enter a period of lockdown or for those about to self isolate who are comfortable with the internet: https://universalis.com/

Mothering Sunday

This Sunday is Mothering Sunday and bunches of daffodils will be available to take away from the Church carpark. Sadly this cannot be done in person but our thoughts, prayers and love remain the same.

Thank you 
Fr Peter

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