
Re-dedication of England as Mary’s Dowry

The re-dedication of England as Mary’s Dowry is taking place throughout the country today Sunday 29th March. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we won’t be able to celebrate as expected. However, the Cardinal has recorded a video reciting the Angelus Promise and Act of Entrustment, so we can all join him and unite in prayer. This can be found at the following link: https://rcdow.org.uk/news/re-dedication-of-england-as-marys-dowry/

Both videos will be uploaded at 11.00am.

There is also a whole day’s programme that will be be live-streamed from Walsingham and can be viewed here.

History shows us that when the people pray a surrender to God’s will for their lives, society is transformed. By taking up this personal dedication in 2020, you can be a part of the renewal of this nation, drawing ourselves closer to the will of our loving God, through Mary.

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