
Upcoming Events

Parish Pub Quiz
Thank you to everyone who joined the first Zoom Parish Pub Quiz on Friday evening. It was a roaring success and so we will be doing it again on Friday 1st May at 8.30pm. Please save the date, look out for further details on how to join and do come along and have some fun.

St Margaret’s Parish Kids Have Talent
Calling all school age children of the parish….

Do you play an instrument, sing, dance or act. Show us your talent. We will showcase this talent in a special show on Wednesday 29th April at 5.00pm on YouTube.

How to do it:

  • Get your mum or dad to film you. If possible please film in landscape. It should be no longer than 3 mins and get your mum or dad to introduce you - your name, age and what you will be performing.

  • Send the film to carolineestorninho@gmail.com by Sunday 26th April 2020.

  • Join us on YouTube on Wednesday 29th April at 5.00pm to watch the talent show.

Please look out for further details.

Sunday Mass - 10.30am
Don’t forget to join us for Mass this morning. You can find the link on the home page of the St Margaret of Scotland home page or click the button below to join.

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