
Newsletter: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Thank you for your good wishes, prayers and all the wonderful cards dropped in at the office for Fr Peter. Unfortunately his operation has been postponed and will hopefully take place later in the month. We will update you as soon as we receive any information.

The Sunday 10.30 Mass can be accessed by clicking here. Click the links below for the LOOK, colour-in sheet and Mass sheet for this week.

Face masks will be mandatory at places of worship
As of Saturday the 8th of August, face masks should be compulsorily worn in all enclosed spaces, churches included. If possible please bring your own mask, but masks will be available at the front before entering the church.

The parish office will be closed for a week commencing Monday 10th August.

Finally, please note the Mass schedule for the month of August below.

Mass schedule for month of august-2020- (2).jpg
Caroline Estorninho